Things are really picking up at work. I have been to a lot of events recently. In the last few weeks, I have been to a Governor’s small-business stop, a Brazilian chamber event, an Asian chamber event, the Mayor’s Economic Summit, and had one event of my own. I have two events next week of my own and two night receptions. It can get tiring. I changed from my administrative title of project coordinator to my functional title of Program Specialist for International Business Development which I think is better.
Last weekend, I went to Universal and I also went to Lynn’s house. I chased a Canadian woodpecker around for a while trying to get some good pictures. We also made S’mores in the oven. Last night, I went to Tennis Club. It was a cool 65 degrees. Tonight, it was around 45 degrees! Earlier tonight, I went to Yanbin’s. Mireya came over too. We met Yanbin’s daughter. It was great seeing them. A lot of friends have left the area, so it was nice to talk to them.